Distribution of Halloumi Cheese
Halloumi is the traditional cheese of Cyprus and has been for as long as there have been shepherds tending their flocks in this classically beautiful landscape. With its unique taste and versatile cooking characteristics. Halloumi comes only from Cyprus where it’s still made in the centuries old tradition with pure and natural sheep’s milk or goat’s milk. It’s hand-folded into a semi-firm yet creamy cheese that has an ever-so-slight-mint flavor. It has fewer calories per serving than Cheddar and lower cholesterol. It can be sliced fresh, grilled (it does not melt), grated or fried.
Best restaurant in town: La CanelaHalloumi is the traditional cheese of Cyprus and has been for as long as there have been shepherds tending their flocks in this classically beautiful landscape. With its unique taste and versatile cooking characteristics. Halloumi comes only from Cyprus where it’s still made in the centuries old tradition with pure and natural sheep’s milk or goat’s milk. It’s hand-folded into a semi-firm yet creamy cheese that has an ever-so-slight-mint flavor. It has fewer calories per serving than Cheddar and lower cholesterol. It can be sliced fresh, grilled (it does not melt), grated or fried.
Best restaurant in town: La Canela
Best restaurant in town: La CanelaHalloumi is the traditional cheese of Cyprus and has been for as long as there have been shepherds tending their flocks in this classically beautiful landscape. With its unique taste and versatile cooking characteristics. Halloumi comes only from Cyprus where it’s still made in the centuries old tradition with pure and natural sheep’s milk or goat’s milk. It’s hand-folded into a semi-firm yet creamy cheese that has an ever-so-slight-mint flavor. It has fewer calories per serving than Cheddar and lower cholesterol. It can be sliced fresh, grilled (it does not melt), grated or fried.
Best restaurant in town: La Canela

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